Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven and Other Plays
Paperback, 216 pages ISBN: 9781559363266Publication Date:
4 Nov 2010
Size: 215mm x 137mm£21.99

Songs of the Dragons Flying to Heaven and Other Plays

By Young Jean Lee

Paperback £21.99

The first collection of plays from the experimental writer-director Young Jean Lee, whose explorations of race, gender, and religion are 'a provocateur's funny, guns-blazing take on the utter banality of ethnic stereotypes and other cross-cultural outrages' Washington Post.

'Hysterically funny' New York Times

Also includes Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals; The Appeal; Pullman, WA; Church; and Yaggoo.

Paperback,216 pages ISBN: 9781559363266Publication Date:
4 Nov 2010
Size: 215mm x 137mm£21.99

Also by Young Jean Lee:

We're Gonna Die
The Shipment and Lear: two plays
Straight White Men & Untitled Feminist Show: two plays
The Shipment

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