Paperback, 96 pages ISBN: 9781848420328Publication Date:
23 Oct 2008
Size: 198mm x 129mm£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
Ebook, 96 pages ISBN: 9781780016290Publication Date:
15 Jul 2015
£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
First Staged:
National Theatre of Scotland & Traverse Theatre at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, 2008


By Sam Holcroft

Paperback £9.99£7.99

Ebook £9.99£7.99

A dark and compelling vision of a world infected by violence.

A seemingly normal detention in a seemingly normal modern-day comprehensive school. A teacher valiantly battles on with biology revision. She believes only education will set her pupils free. For outside the classroom, the world is in the middle of a long and bloody war.

Despite her best efforts, the tide of conflict is soon lapping at the school gates and, one by one, pupils and teacher are pulled under as their hopes and dreams float away from them.

'Sam Holcroft is uncompromising in her ideas and deeply ambitious for the power of theatre. It's a long time since a young writer has thrilled me this much' Vicky Featherstone, director of the National Theatre of Scotland's production of Cockroach

Press Quotes

'Hauntingly powerful... a playwright brave enough to do battle with the big ideas'

Paperback,96 pages ISBN: 9781848420328Publication Date:
23 Oct 2008
Size: 198mm x 129mm£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)
Ebook,96 pages ISBN: 9781780016290Publication Date:
15 Jul 2015
£9.99 £7.99You save £2.00 (20%)

Also by Sam Holcroft:

A Mirror
Women, Power and Politics: Now
Dancing Bears
While You Lie
Edgar & Annabel
Rules for Living
The Wardrobe
Double Feature: One

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